How Your Gift Helps
United and content with little we go out into the whole world, into the tiniest villages. . . wherever the Lord calls us. . .
Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger Letter #144
Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger founded the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) to meet educational needs over 185 years ago. Today, sisters serve in 30 countries as educators, healthcare workers, social service ministries as advocates for the poor, voices against human trafficking and in a wide variety of other educational, spiritual and social justice roles. SSND continues to choose ways of living and serving that call our modern, complex world to the good news of Jesus Christ. Your generosity allows SSND working in five countries in Africa to continue to make a difference, so please consider making a gift today or learn about other ways to give.

Your gift also allows SSND to focus on important social justice issues affecting the lives of people in Africa. SSND strive to create a global community where human dignity is respected, all creation is treasured, spirituality is nourished and justice is accomplished as part of the mission to show God’s love to the world. This commitment is reflected in the work of Shalom – Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation. Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. Shalom is also the word School Sisters of Notre Dame use to describe their international network for justice, peace and integrity of creation. More than 2,500 sisters, associates and friends of SSND across five continents make up the Shalom Network. Over 25 communities of sisters strives to incorporate the principles of Shalom in their living and ministering.
With your financial support, sisters are able to serve in areas of greatest need. Your generosity provides for the needs of sisters who dedicate their lives to serving youth, women and the poor. Your support directly impacts:
- Education and professional training of our recently professed sisters.
- The lives and well-being of our sisters’ needs for healthcare, housing, transportation for ministry. Sisters respond to unmet needs in education and healthcare where they are uncompensated.
- Scholarships for poor girls.
- Caring for orphans and poor children.
- The efforts of Shalom in areas served by the sisters.