Become an Associate

Jesus, our Lord and God, leads the way for us all. Let us follow him! Jesus invites us so cordially to discipleship.
Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger

We, the daughters of Mother Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger welcome you to join the family of the School Sisters of Notre Dame to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ and to strive for unity that embraces all humanity and the whole of creation.

Outline of Africa with a SSND Associate pin

Who can be an associate?

Christian women and men called to live Gospel values in the spirit and vision of Blessed Theresa, foundress of the School Sisters of Notre Dame within their own vocation.

People who:

  • are 21 years of age or older,
  • are inspired by the SSND charism and spirituality and are interested in learning more about SSND identity,
  • are mature and financially independent,
  • can embrace Shalom way of life,
  • have a desire to share with SSND in the areas of faith, service, prayer, scripture and spiritual growth,
  • have a passion to spread the spirit/charism of the SSND international congregation.

What does it mean to be an associate?

As an SSND associate, you will enter into a special relationship with our congregation rooted in the spirit and vision of Blessed Theresa of Jesus.

Together, sisters and associates will strive to bring all to oneness in God, empower others to reach the fullness of their potential and to be transformed and to transform our world. The committed relationship between associate and the congregation/province reflects unity and diversity to further the mission of Christ in the spirit of Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger.

An associate enters into a formal relationship with the SSND community in the form of a covenant - an exchange of promises between the associate and the community that is renewable annually by mutual agreement.

The associate promises to live the charism of SSND through:

  • deepening his/her prayer life,
  • participating in appropriate congregational activities,
  • striving to live the spirit of the Gospel and extending that spirit into service for God’s people.

How do I become an associate?

If you are interested in becoming an associate in the Province of Africa, you may start by communicating your interest with a sister or associate, or by completing the form below. Your submission will be sent directly to our council contact that works with our associates program. This information will be used only for the purpose of contacting you with more information.

After the initial contact, additional information will be sent in a letter. This will include the names of those who coordinate the associate gatherings in your geographic area/country and an explanation of the application and preparation process. Once you have read this information, you may contact a coordinator in your area/country with additional questions or to begin the application process.

Everyone begins as a pre-associate and spends a period of time working with a sister or associate to deepen her/his own prayer and spirituality and to learn about the charism, spirituality, heritage, mission and ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Pre-associates are also invited to attend associate gatherings in their area.

During this time the pre-associate and sisters have the opportunity to develop a relationship that will help them to discern together if the pre-associate is called to a covenant relationship as an associate.

Please complete the following form to learn more about our associate program.

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Click to view help for this field.

How did you hear about the associates program:

PMB Achimota School Post Office, Accra, Ghana, Africa
320 East Ripa Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63125, USA

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