Celebrating in 2023
Jubilees are cause for special celebration…
Jubilee calls us to express our gratitude to God and to our jubilarian sisters for their faithful love which encourages us to greater fidelity.
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Sister Elizabeth Newmann has had various enriching ministry experiences around USA and Ghana. She has great memories of her time in leadership. It was an opportunity to work with many SSND and sisters from other congregations. Sister Elizabeth knew that accepting the mantle of leadership in the congregation meant she won’t be returning to Ghana soon. This was a painful decision to make, but for the love of Ghana she had to let go with the hope that she would return to her beloved Ghana.
Years later, Sister Elizabeth returned to Ghana, thankful for the skills she had learned about leadership during her tenure. She said, what she learned has been of tremendous help for her as she takes on the role of leadership in the Orthopedic Training Center (OTC) in Nsawam, Ghana. For her, these years has been a fantastic journey. She has been stretched with many experiences that is life changing. SSND has been a gift and Sister Elizabeth appreciates the privilege to meet and work with many sisters around the world. She is grateful for Gods call every day.

Sister Irmina Maciejowska was professed in Opole, Poland in 1973. She studied theology at Catholic University in Warsaw and worked in the Curia of the diocese of Opole in Poland. In 1990, she was missioned alongside two sisters to begin a mission in The Gambia in Africa. For twenty-seven years, Sister Irmina served the women, girls, catechist, small Christian communities and taught in our SSND vocational training school. She enjoyed working with the friendly and hospitable people of The Gambia, where majority of her population are Muslims.
Sister Irmina said, “I was proud when one of our girls who was living with us in our SSND hostel stood bravely and defended the Catholic faith in the presence of the President of The Gambia and thousands of people at the stadium. She received a reward from the Bishop of Banjul. When I congratulated her, she said, ‘I am who I am now because of SSND’.”
After her mission in The Gambia, Sister Irmina also served in Ghana and is currently missioned to our formation house in Kisumu, Kenya where she is journeying with the postulant in their discernment.
The commitment and support of sisters to each other is what binds us strongly in the mission of Christ and encourages Sister Irmina to feel at home in our international community.

Sister Jeanne Goessling began her religious life in Saint Louis. She has taught in various elementary and secondary schools and has diligently played the role of an administrator. In 2003, she served as the director of religious education where she continued to work with children and adults of all ages in catechetical ministry. Currently Sister Jeanne is part of the formation community in Kisumu Kenya where she is teaching the postulants and sharing community life. Ministry has offered her opportunities to be with people of diverse cultures.
In her words, “My favorite memory is the day I was contacted 30 years later from a student in my first class as a teacher. He had just graduated with a PhD from the prestigious Harvard University and wanted to say thanks. It is always good to hear the life stories of former students, their parents and those I have ministered to. ‘For all the works of God proceed slowly and in pain; but then, their roots are the sturdier and their flowering the lovelier.’ It is a blessing to be welcomed into the lives of so many good people in the name of Jesus.”

Professed in 2008, Sister Rose Ngacha studied social ministry in mission at Tangaza College in Kenya. She served in various ministries, one of which is working at the Oyugis integrated project in Nyabururu. She then journeyed with people living with HIV/AIDS and orphans. During this time, she and two other sisters were called and sent to begin an orphans’ outreach program in Homa Bay diocese in Kenya where she served for ten years. For Sister Rose, ministering to orphans is a life giving ministry and it is her desire that a program for orphans would be initiated soon in South Sudan where she is currently missioned.
With her knowledge of sign language, she recounts her experience with a young boy who has a hearing and speech impediment. She gave him some papers and colored pencils and helped him coordinate and color pictures properly. The boy understood what she was asking of him, and did a good job. He was so happy to show off his work to those around him. Sister Rose believes strongly in the words of Blessed Mother Theresa, “All true works of God proceed slowly and in pain; but then, their roots are sturdier, and their flowering the lovelier.”
Sister Rose invites more women to consider joining the School Sisters of Notre Dame. As School Sisters of Notre Dame, we believe we are called to make Christ visible by our very being.

As an educator, Sister Petronella Mugashi’s ministry is affirmed and supported by the loving care of her sisters in community. Aware of God’s incomprehensible love and mercy in her faith journey, ‘Sister Pet’ as she is popularly called, also recognizes the efforts that SSND makes to live the African spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ (we are only complete when we realize we cannot do without others!) Embracing our global SSND identity necessitates our ability to adapt to the environment to which we are called.
View our Jubilarians 2022