Lenten Resources 2025

Ash Wednesday  |  First week of Lent  |  Second week of Lent  |  Third week of Lent  |  Fourth week of Lent  |  Fifth week of Lent  |  Other Resources 


As we embark on the sacred journey of Lent in the Jubilee Year 2025, we are invited to embrace a season of reflection, renewal, and pilgrimage of hope. This unique liturgical moment beckons us to gather our hearts and minds, setting aside distractions to deepen our relationship with God and one another. As pilgrims of hope, we are called to celebrate the mercy and grace that abound in this Jubilee, recognizing that our every step, no matter how small, can lead us closer to the divine light. Together, let us traverse the path of penance and prayer, nurturing our faith and extending compassion to those in need, so that at Easter, we may rejoice in the transformative power of love that binds us all in our shared humanity.

Message of the Holy Father for Lent 2025

Lent calls us to journey together in hope.

Pope Francis

Dear brothers and sisters,

Ash Wednesday: Palms, ash and cross

We begin our annual pilgrimage of Lent in faith and hope with the penitential rite of the imposition of ashes. The Church, our mother and teacher, invites us to open our hearts to God’s grace, so that we can celebrate with great joy the paschal victory of Christ the Lord over sin and death, which led Saint Paul to exclaim: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Cor15:54-55). Indeed, Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is the heart of our faith and the pledge of our hope in the Father’s great promise, already fulfilled in his beloved Son: life eternal (cf.Jn10:28; 17:3)

This Lent, as we share in the grace of the Jubilee Year, I would like to propose a few reflections on what it means to journey together in hope, and on the summons to conversion that God in his mercy addresses to all of us, as individuals and as a community.


Ash Wednesday

Ash wednesday

The Lenten season brings us the opportunity to look more carefully at our life journey and our relationship with our God who infinitely loves us.

At this beginning of Lent, from what must I empty myself in order to walk the journey free of selfish desires and clinging to nothing but the Lord? -What grace do I desire to be stirred up to walk this journey more freely?

Ash Wednesday - A Time to Remember

Ash wednesday,timeto remember

Ash Wednesday is here again, again inviting us once more into the paschal journey. The cross traced in ashes upon my forehead is one with the cross of Jesus Christ. The Word Remember etches itself deep into my heart.

Sister Delia Calis, SSND, shares her thoughts


First Week of Lent

First week of lent

Often we are afraid to admit weakness and instead attempt to control ourselves, others and the circumstances of our lives. Lent reminds us that it is God’s action, not ours that renews and saves.

  • What weak and broken parts of yourself is God inviting you to entrust to his care this Lent?
  • What might you need to release in order to receive this unconditional love?

Second Week of Lent

Second week of lent

Where have I felt God’s encouragement and invitation?

  • What helps me respond wholeheartedly to God’s transforming grace in my life?
  • For what grace do I need to pray?

Third Week of Lent

Third week of lent

As we continue on this Lenten journey, what is one conversation that I should have in order to have a conversion of heart?

  • For which grace do I need to pray so that conversation may help me to return to love?

Fourth Week of Lent

Fourth week of lent

Listening, openness, pondering...all these stances of Mary’s led her to saying “Yes” to God in a most profound way.

  • In what part of the day can I set aside moments for listening, pondering and being open?
  • Can I, like Mary, find it in my heart to desire that God’s will be done, and in doing so, bring Christ’s presence to the world?

Fifth Week of Lent

Fifth week of lent

As this Lenten journey continues, what part of the pattern of Christ’s life am I called to make more my own?

  • What grace will aid me to take those next steps?

Holy week

Holy Week

As we enter into these holiest of days, what specific action will I take to bring about reconciliation and unity?

  • For what grace will I pray this week so that I might possess a keener awareness?

Other Resources:

Fasting This Lent

Fast from...Pope Francis

Fast from hurting words and say kind words
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
Fast from worries and trust in God
Fast from pressure and be prayerful
Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others
Fast from grudges and be reconciled
Fast from words, be silent, so you can listen
Pope Francis


Ashes to Glory

Ashes to glory

From Ashes to Glory invites you to take up the practice of reflecting on your day, its gifts and graces, and the progress you are making in life with Christ. It’s a way of praying the Examen through Lent, with materials by Joseph Tetlow, SJ. Each Sunday during Lent, read an introduction to the week’s prayer. On Ash Wednesday and the Mondays of Lent and Easter Week, find a brief Scripture passage, steps for reflecting with the Examen, and a closing prayer.

Learn More..


A Prayer To Begin My Lenten Journey (Ash Wednesday)

Pillars of lent

Loving Jesus, as I place on my forehead the sign of your loving cross. You say to me, repent and believe in the Gospel. Walking into Lent my heart is set on you. May my fasting fill me with hunger for you, may my prayer draw me deeper into your presence, may my acts of charity bring your love to my home and community. Lord of Life, grant that by turning back to you in these 40 days I will reawaken the joy of my Easter faith; for you raise me up from fear and despair and call me to hope and trust in God who is with me always. With you, I will rise again Amen. (Kandle)


Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal

lent , a time of renewal

God, heavenly Father, look upon me and hear my prayer during this holy Season of Lent. By the good works You inspire, help me to discipline my body and to be renewed in spirit. Without You I can do nothing. By Your Spirit help me to know what is right and to be eager in doing Your will. Teach me to find new life through penance. Keep me from sin, and help me live by Your commandment of love. God of love, bring me back to You. Send Your Spirit to make me strong in faith and active in good works. May my acts of penance bring me Your forgiveness, open my heart to Your love, and prepare me for the coming feast of the Resurrection of Jesus.

Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish me with Your Word of life and make me one with You in love and prayer. Fill my heart with Your love and keep me faithful to the Gospel of Christ. Give me the grace to rise above my human weakness. Give me new life by Your Sacraments, especially the Mass. Father, our source of life, I reach out with joy to grasp Your hand; let me walk more readily in Your ways. Guide me in Your gentle mercy, for left to myself I cannot do Your Will. Father of love, source of all blessings, help me to pass from my old life of sin to the new life of grace. Prepare me for the glory of Your Kingdom. I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen. (Catholic Online) 

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