Sharing the Charism

By Sister Monica Benedict

The Gambia

Martha Mendy sewing a garment - story from In Mission 2023

For Martha Mendy, working with the School Sisters of Notre Dame was a great opportunity for collaboration and giving back to the Notre Dame School, Soma in The Gambia, for the significant impact the sisters made in her life. The experiences have called her to avail herself to be a positive influence to others. The sisters were Martha’s teachers who trained her to acquire skills as a seamstress. Since then, twelve years ago, she has worked with them.

Martha shares a mutual relationship with the sisters who reach out to her, listen to her and guide her in times of challenges. “The sisters were my teachers who trained me to acquire skills in tailoring and making tie and dye. They have trained others as well. Through this, I earn my living from the training I received from them,” said Martha.

Martha recalled with gratitude the many times the sisters invited her to join the students for school trips and invited her to pray with them as well as play games. These were all great privileges and fun for her.

Martha shared: “Working with the sisters for these number of years, I learned the values of justice, peace, unity and love. I also learned how to speak English, though not perfectly. And I am grateful for the good relationship I share with them.” Martha is happily sharing her learnings with the grade-nine students and teaching them etiquette. She hopes to continue working with the sisters and helping the students where necessary. Martha is enthusiastic about advancing the SSND charism and helping others discover their God-given potentials. “I will continue using the skills and good values I learned from the sisters,” said Martha.


Studying at Notre Dame Girls High School, Sunyani, Ghana, for four years made a tremendous impact in the life of the graduates. One woman recalled with great enthusiasm the serenity of the environment at the school, such a peaceful atmosphere which makes the school environment conducive for teaching and learning. “My Alma Mater was a home of serenity and beauty,” she said.

She recalled with fond memory the bond they shared with the sisters and as a school community. This was very significant for her. “It felt like a family and so learning was easier for us. The sisters gave us their best, so we were empowered for the future,” she said.

"The sisters taught us the value of discipline, truth, honesty and love as young learners; preparing us to be women who are nation builders and role models in the society. These values have been an integral part of my life ever since. What makes SSND education different and meaningful is that it is a holistic experience. “SSND gave us education as well as life and spiritual guidance.”

Originally published in the 2023 In Mission publication.

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