My new ministry experience

Reflection by Sister Stellamaris Syombuaa 
Sister Stella Maris teaching kids

I am Sister Stellamaris Syombua David. I am a Kenyan. I live in Nyabururu community. I minister at St. Mary’s Nyabururu Girls Boarding Primary School. I am a school librarian and I also teach Life Skills Education. As a School Sister of Notre Dame, I have been inspired and encouraged by the words of our Foundress Blessed M. Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger to always read the signs of our times and to creatively respond to the needs of the world. Whenever I think of ministry, this is the question that first pops up, in my mind ‘God, what do you want me to do for you in the world from where I am?’

I love teaching little children but my current ministry has challenged me to be more open and flexible to let go of what I am familiar and comfortable with, and embrace the new. The continual prayers, mentorship and support I have received from my community members have been very helpful to me in ministry. I have experienced a mutuality of giving and receiving in my ministry in that I have received an opportunity to keep on educating myself even as I nurture a reading culture in the school.

God, what do you want me to do for you
in this world where I am?

Sister Stella Maris with kids

My focus as an educator is to empower people to reach their full potential. Occasionally, I give motivational talks to our girls on personal hygiene and sanitation, communication skills and ways to create conducive learning environment based on our relationships. I continue to experience God’s surprising and transforming graces in my every day encounters and ministry activities as I continue to listen attentively to hear and “do whatever he tells me.”


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