Celebrating Perpetual Profession of vows and the Golden Jubilee of SSND presence in Ghana

Reflection by Sisters Evelyn Adondiwo and Jennifer Kolan
SSND IN Ghana with Bishop

Saturday 26th October, 2024 was indeed a great day in the history of our SSND mission in Ghana:the celebration of perpetual profession of vows of Sister Emelia Agana Ayambire and the Golden Jubilee of SSND presence in Ghana. This celebration was held at St. Sylvanus Catholic Church, Pokuase, Accra, Ghana.

The theme for our celebration was “SSND@50 in Ghana: Enabling Persons to bear fruits for Development through Transformative Education” Our families, friends, well-wishers, St. Sylvanus parishioners and the whole world joyfully celebrated these two salient occasions of a faith filled journey.

Our hearts were filled with gratitude to God for the love we experienced these past 50 years and with joyful hope to the future. Sister Emelia lovingly proclaimed her perpetual commitment during this magnificent celebration. Accompanied by her parents, we all felt that supportive hands of our families and together we all renewed our vows to stay focused and committed to Christ and his mission.  These two celebrations left many at St. Sylvanus Catholic Church Pokuase in admiration about who we are as SSND and our service to humanity.

The occasion was graced with the presence of Sister M. Dominica Michalke, our General Superior who gave a beautiful narrative of our humble beginnings, throwing more light to the essence of our gathering and celebrations. Archbishop John Bonaventure Kwofie CSSp, was the principal presider over the Eucharistic liturgy, and Priests, Religious men and women, SSND associates and friends from our various ministries joyfully celebrated the day with us. The attendance was massive, about 500 guests were in attendance, representing a diverse cross-section of the community.

Sisters in Ghana cutting the cake

As we all know, there is no event without refreshment. The newly perpetually professed Sister Emelia, Sister Elizabeth Newman, the Provincial Council, our General Superior, some invited guests and family of Sister Emelia were ushered to the high table.

There were cultural dances presented by Fraafra group, a famous singer/celebrity called King Ayisoba and the students of Mary Queen of Peace School cultural dance troop.  Indeed, It was lovely day. We crowned our double celebration with the cutting of our Golden Jubilee and perpetual vows cakes followed by a toast.

Sisters Elizabeth and Emelia gave a thanksgiving appreciation to put our event to a close. The evening was festive and filled with warm energy in the community with sharing of gifts to various sisters including our pioneer sister and Sister Emelia.

The celebration was so successful, memorable, and enjoyable that it generated positive community engagement.



PMB Achimota School Post Office, Accra, Ghana, Africa
320 East Ripa Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63125, USA

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