Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger Educational Centre

BTGEC  child colouring

Nyalieng’a, Homa Bay, Kenya —Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger Educational Centre (BTGEC) is a project of the School Sisters of Notre Dame to promote their charism of transformative education. The centre is geared towards a learner-centred - environment guided by Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) adopted by Kenya's education system. It is meant to enable learners to acquire knowledge and skills while placing strong emphasis on core competencies. A learner gets empowered in all aspects of a transformative life.

Students being creative at BTGEC Nyalienga

Since this approach fits well with School Sisters of Notre Dame charism of transformative education, they have started the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) level. The hope is to have BTGEC grow into a model comprehensive primary school.

The Centre is located in the Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay, Homa Bay County in Kenya. The significant need for this school complex in the community seemed to have been felt soon after Notre Dame Children Outreach (NDCO) commenced in September 2009. The main objective of NDCO is to empower orphans and vulnerable children through the provision of quality education from early childhood level to college or vocational training. Wholistic education in all aspects of life has been the focus for NDCO because of the children’s poor performance, dropping out of school due to sickness or indiscipline and teenage pregnancies. Over time the need for quality education has been expressed. Indeed, the local community people gratefully appreciate institutions administered by Religious Sisters.

Special Appeal

Funds are needed for the construction and furnishings of a new primary building addition for grades 1-3. Support us in making a difference.

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With joy and energy, School Sisters of Notre Dame responded to this urgent need for quality education by constructing an Early Childhood Development Education Block with a playground. On January 6, 2024, the first 5 pupils arrived at the school, presently there are 33 pupils from Nyalieng’a and nearby villages happy with their safe environment and dedicated teachers.

The report revealed that NDCO’s financial base was very weak for the project’s sustainability. Based on the evaluation, the team recommended that the SSND could consider opening a boarding primary school in Nyalieng’a. NDCO BOD initiated and facilitated discussions to establish a primary boarding school for efficient, effective and quality education for greater impact. This was shared with the SSND Province of Africa Ministry Committee as well as Provincial Assemblies.

BTGEC children in class 2

As this group of pupils completed their first year of Early childhood education and getting ready for the second year there is an urgent need to continue the second face of the Blessed Theresa Educational Centre which is a primary school building for grades 1 to 3.

The School Sisters of Notre Dame hope to continue impacting the lives of the youngest generation and their families by transformative education joyfully. We are very grateful to donors whose generous support have helped the school to be where it is now. You are invited to join us on this journey of transforming minds from an early age.


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